Section 617.075 - Test of functioning of hearing1. The test of the functioning of the hearing of an employee that is required pursuant to NRS 617.454 must consist of an air conduction test or a pure tone test.2. If an air conduction test reveals a condition that is not within normal limits, the employee must undergo a bone conduction study or speech audiometry.3. An air conduction test is acceptable for screening and to establish a baseline for further testing.4. The person conducting the test of the functioning of the hearing of the employee must fill out Form OD-5, Firefighters and Police Officers Hearing Examination Form, as prescribed by the Division.Nev. Admin. Code § 617.075
Added to NAC by Div. of Industrial Insurance Regulation, eff. 1-24-92; A by Div. of Industrial Relations by R105-00, 1-18-2001, eff. 3-1-2001; A by R032-21A, eff. 8/1/2023