Section 610.850 - Random selection from pool of applicants1. After obtaining the approval of the Council, a sponsor may select apprentices from a pool of eligible applicants on a random basis. An impartial person or persons selected by the sponsor and not associated with the administration of the program of apprenticeship shall supervise the selection process.2. The time and place of the selection and the number of apprentices to be selected must be announced in advance, and the place of the selection must be open to all applicants and the public.3. The names of apprentices drawn by this method must be posted at the sponsor's place of business immediately after the selection.4. A sponsor who adopts the random method of selecting apprentices shall meet the requirements of NAC 610.815 to 610.840, inclusive.5. The sponsor shall, if required by NAC 610.720, 610.730 and 610.740, establish percentage goals and timetables for the admission of women and minority persons into the pool in accordance with the provisions of NAC 610.710 to 610.760, inclusive.6. The sponsor's compliance with its obligations under these regulations will be determined in accordance with the provisions of NAC 610.760.Nev. Admin. Code § 610.850
Apprenticeship Council, Equal Employment Opportunity, § 6 subsec. b par. 2, eff. 9-11-76, A 10-6-78