Licensing and Practice
- Section 590.235 - Unlicensed installation, facility or service: Operation or supply unlawful; recovery of license fees and investigative costs and imposition of penalty fees
- Section 590.240 - Fees; reduction in certain fees for holder of multiple classifications at same location
- Section 590.241 - Payment of charges billed to licensee by Board; resolution of disputed charges
- Section 590.243 - Period of validity of license
- Section 590.245 - Renewal of expired license; fees
- Section 590.250 - Plans required to be submitted with application for class 1, 2, 4 or 5 license; approval of plans
- Section 590.253 - Qualified persons: Connection with or employment by licensee or applicant required for issuance or renewal of certain licenses; performance of safety sensitive functions
- Section 590.260 - Residence
- Section 590.270 - Insurance
- Section 590.280 - Holder of class 1A, 1B or 2A license: Disclosure of information; notification of new customer by licensee
- Section 590.290 - Holder of class 1 or class 2 license: Provision of certain information and notice; response to certain requests
- Section 590.311 - Certificate of competency: Types
- Section 590.315 - Certificate of competency: Application; reexamination without additional fee; additional certificate of competency without additional fee
- Section 590.320 - Certificate of competency: Examination of applicant or holder; waiver of examination
- Section 590.340 - Certificate of competency: Issuance
- Section 590.350 - Certificate of competency: Expiration
- Section 590.360 - Certificate of competency: Renewal
- Section 590.365 - Certificate of competency: Approval of courses for continuing education
- Section 590.380 - Certificate of competency: Lapse; suspension; revocation; reapplication