Section 587.550 - Content guarantees: Drugs and antibioticsGuarantees for drugs must be stated in terms of percent by weight, except:
1. Antibiotics present at less than 2,000 grams per ton of commercial feed must be stated in grams per ton of commercial feed.2. Antibiotics present at more than 2,000 grams per ton of commercial feed must be stated in grams per pound of commercial feed.3. Labels for commercial feeds containing growth promotion or feed efficiency levels of antibiotics, which are to be fed continuously as the sole ration, are not required to make quantitative guarantees except as specifically noted in the Federal Food Additive Regulations for certain antibiotics, wherein quantitative guarantees are required regardless of the level or purpose of the antibiotic.4. The term "milligrams per pound" may be used for drugs or antibiotics in those cases where a dosage is given in milligrams in the feeding directions.Nev. Admin. Code § 587.550
Dep't of Agriculture Reg., 87.73, eff. 10-1-74