Section 585.570 - Returned drugs1. A licensee shall identify any returned drugs as such and hold them for disposition as follows:(a) If the conditions under which the returned drugs have been held, stored or shipped (before or during their return) or if the condition of the drugs, their containers, cartons or labeling as a result of the storing or shipping cast doubt upon the safety, identity, strength, quality or purity of the drugs, they must be destroyed or subjected to adequate examination or testing to ensure that they meet all appropriate standards or specifications before being returned to stock for warehouse distribution or repacking; or(b) If the drugs are neither destroyed nor returned to stock, they may be reprocessed if the final product will meet all its standards and specifications and is approved by the Commissioner.2. A licensee shall maintain records of any returned drugs and shall indicate the quantity returned, the date and their actual disposition.3. If the reason the drugs are returned implicates associated batches, the licensee shall make an appropriate investigation in accordance with NAC 585.520.Nev. Admin. Code § 585.570
Comm'r of Food & Drugs, Amygdalin and Procaine Hydrochl. §§ 4.1.9-, eff. 5-15-78NRS 585.210, 585.245, 585.495