Section 571.030 - Horses, mules and asses1. A person shall not ship, transport or otherwise move a horse, mule or ass into this State unless the horse, mule or ass:(a) Is accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection; and(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, reacts negatively to a test for equine infectious anemia that was conducted within 1 year before the date of entry into this State.2. The following horses, mules or asses are exempt from testing for equine infectious anemia: (a) A nursing foal which is less than 6 months of age and which is accompanied by its dam if its dam has reacted negatively to such a test.(b) Horses from Nevada that are used outside the State for seasonal ranching purposes only.Nev. Admin. Code § 571.030
Dep't of Agriculture Reg., 55, eff. 9-1-64; A 7-15-71; 10-1-71; 4-1-77-NAC A by St. Quarantine Officer, 7-8-92; A by R019-15A, eff. 12/21/2016