Nev. Admin. Code § 538.540

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 538.540 - Limitations on resale; Nevada Power Company to pass benefits through to residential class of ratepayers
1. A contractor that is not an electric utility and that purchases for power provided by the Commission from the Boulder Canyon Project, Parker-Davis Project or Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects may not share, resell, pool, lease or change the point of use any of that power without the prior approval of the Commission. The Commission may approve the sharing, reselling, pooling, leasing or changing the point of use of power pursuant to this subsection for a term of not more than 3 years.
2. Anelectric utility that contracts with the Commission for power from the Boulder Canyon Project, Parker-Davis Project or Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects:
(a) Must receive that power at a location in this State within Western's defined marketing area for the project from which the power is obtained.
(b) May not resell that power outside this State or outside Western's defined marketing area for the project from which the power is obtained without the prior approval of the Commission.
(c) May resell that power to serve customers within its service area in this State and within Western's defined marketing area for the project from which the power is obtained, without the prior approval of the Commission.
3. An electric utility that contracts with the Commission for power from the Boulder Canyon Project must:
(a) Use the full power resource available to them, including energy, capacity and the dynamic signal and other ancillary services and, except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, pass through to its customers located within Western's defined marketing area for the Boulder Canyon Project the economic benefits of the energy, capacity, and dynamic signal and other ancillary services used by the customers; and
(b) Upon the request of the Commission, provide to the Commission's staff information demonstrating compliance with the requirements of this subsection.
4. Nevada Power Company shall pass through to its residential class of ratepayers the economic benefits of power from Schedule B.

Nev. Admin. Code § 538.540

Added to NAC by Colorado River Comm'n, eff. 9-13-85; A 12-17-87; R123-00, 2-15-2001; A by R148-13; eff. 6/23/2014

NRS 538.181, 538.201