General Provisions
- Section 538.340 - Definitions
- Section 538.350 - "Contractor" defined
- Section 538.358 - "Operating year" defined
- Section 538.360 - "Power" defined
- Section 538.370 - "Program for increasing capacity" defined (Repealed)
- Section 538.375 - "Schedule A" defined
- Section 538.380 - "Schedule B" defined
- Section 538.385 - "Schedule C" defined
- Section 538.390 - "Western" defined
- Section 538.395 - Applicability
- Section 538.397 - Allocation of Schedule D power in accordance with chapter (Repealed)
- Section 538.400 - Marketing area for resources
- Section 538.410 - Requirements of applicant seeking to contract with Commission for delivery of Schedule A, B or C power from Boulder Canyon Project and for delivery of power from Parker-Davis Project and Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects
- Section 538.413 - Requirements of electric utility seeking to contract with Commission for delivery of Schedule D power from Boulder Canyon Project on or after October 1, 2017 (Repealed)
- Section 538.416 - Requirements of applicant that is not electric utility seeking to contract with Commission for delivery of Schedule D power from Boulder Canyon Project on or after October 1, 2017 (Repealed)
- Section 538.420 - Summer season and winter season
- Section 538.430 - Transmission of power for delivery beyond designated points of delivery
- Section 538.440 - Reallocation of power if contractor loses entitlement to power
- Section 538.450 - Reallocation of power if entity fails to enter into contract with Commission (Repealed)
- Section 538.455 - Procedures for reallocation of power: Notice requirements; application and review; hearing; Commission decision
- Section 538.460 - Minimum reserves of contractor; supply of capacity if Hoover power plant reduces capacity (Repealed)
- Section 538.470 - Capacity offered at varying load factors; identification (Repealed)
- Section 538.480 - Offer of certain energy when available to certain entities; observance of restrictions