Section 534A.630 - Order of proceedings1. A hearing held pursuant to NAC 534A.590 must be opened with a statement of the issues to be heard and by recognizing the parties to the hearing.2. The applicant must be heard first at the hearing unless the Administrator finds good cause to hear from another party first.3. Any party recognized by the Administrator must be heard in the order designated at the hearing.4. A witness may be examined and cross-examined by not more than one representative of each party. The Administrator shall designate the order of the examination.5. Before the close of the hearing: (a) A party to the hearing is entitled to make closing arguments; and(b) The Administrator may order or allow the presentation of briefs as determined by the Administrator after he or she consults with the parties.6. After the hearing, the Administrator may issue a ruling in writing which sets forth a finding of facts and conclusions of law. A ruling of the Administrator pursuant to this section is a final decision for purposes of judicial review.Nev. Admin. Code § 534A.630
Added to NAC by Comm'n on Mineral Resources, eff. 11-12-85; A by R032-19A, eff. 12/16/2019