- Section 534.280 - Application for license
- Section 534.282 - Application for license
- Section 534.286 - Oral examination of applicants
- Section 534.288 - Board not required to conduct oral examination of certain applicants
- Section 534.290 - Revocation or denial of license
- Section 534.292 - Notice to renew license; notification by well driller of change in mailing address
- Section 534.2923 - Renewal of license: Application for renewal
- Section 534.2925 - Renewal of license: Processing of and action on application
- Section 534.2927 - Continuing education of well drillers
- Section 534.293 - Requirements to reinstate license if prior license has expired or been suspended or revoked
- Section 534.294 - Scope of authority under license; issuance of restricted licenses; request to modify scope of restricted license
- Section 534.296 - Temporary license: Issuance and reissuance; expiration; termination of employment of temporary licensee (Repealed)
- Section 534.298 - Temporary license: Period of validity; authorized activities; transferability (Repealed)