Nev. Admin. Code § 527.010

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 527.010 - List of fully protected species of native flora
1. The State Forester Firewarden has declared the following species and subspecies of native plants to be critically endangered and threatened with extinction pursuant to NRS 527.270:

Arctomecon californica, Las Vegas bearpoppy

Torrey & Fremont

Astragalus geyeri var. triquetrus,

Threecorner milkvetch

(A. Gray) M.E. Jones

Astragalus lentiginosus Douglas var. sesquimetralis, Sodaville milkvetch

(Rydberg) Barneby

Astragalus phoenix, Ash Meadows milkvetch


Astragalus yoder-williamsii, Osgood Mountains milkvetch


Castilleja salsuginosa, Monte Neva paintbrush

N. Holmgren

Cylindropuntia multigeniculata, Blue Diamond cholla

(Clokey) Backeberg

Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. corrugata, Ash Meadows sunray

(A. Gray) A. Nelson

Eriogonum argophyllum, Sulphur Springs buckwheat


Eriogonum diatomaceum, Churchill Narrows buckwheat

Reveal, J. Reynolds & Picciani

Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiae, Steamboat buckwheat


Eriogonum viscidulum, Sticky buckwheat

J.T. Howell

Frasera gypsicola, Sunnyside green gentian

(Barneby) D.M. Post

Grindelia fraxinipratensis, Ash Meadows gumplant

Reveal & Beatley

Helianthus devernii, Red Rock sunflower

T.M. Draper

Ivesia kingii var. eremica, Ash Meadows ivesia

(Coville) Ertter

Ivesia webberi, Webber ivesia

A. Gray

Mentzelia leucophylla, Ash Meadows blazingstar


Nitrophila mohavensis, Amargosa niterwort

Munz & Roos

Oreocarya insolita, Unusual catseye

J.F. Macbride

Phacelia inconspicua, Obscure scorpion plant

E.L. Greene

Polyctenium williamsiae, Williams combleaf


Rorippa subumbellata, Tahoe yellowcress


Spiranthes diluvialis, Ute lady's tresses


Zeltnera namophila, Spring-loving centaury

(Reveal, C.R. Broome & Beatley) G. Mans.

2. The common names of species and subspecies of native flora listed in this section are provided for convenience and must not be relied upon for identification of any specimen due to the substantial variations in local usage of common names.
3. The State Forester Firewarden will rely to the extent practicable upon and hereby adopts by reference the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, 2018 edition, and any subsequent edition issued by the International Association for Plant Taxonomy, or its successor organization, which has been approved by the State Forester Firewarden, to determine the correct names and synonyms of the species and subspecies of native plants critically endangered and threatened with extinction. Each new edition of the publication shall be deemed approved by the State Forester Firewarden, unless the edition is disapproved by the State Forester Firewarden within 60 days after the date of publication by the International Association for Plant Taxonomy, or its successor organization. The publication is available, free of charge, from the International Association for Plant Taxonomy at the Internet address
4. The State Forester Firewarden will review each subsequent edition of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants to determine its suitability for this State. If the State Forester Firewarden determines that the most recent edition is not suitable, the State Forester Firewarden will hold a public hearing to review that determination. If, after the hearing, the State Forester Firewarden finally determines that the most recent edition is not suitable for this State, he or she will, within 30 days after that determination, give notice that the edition is not adopted by reference.

Nev. Admin. Code § 527.010

[Div. of Forestry, eff. 2-14-79]-(NAC A 9-17-82; 6-28-83; 1-17-86; A by St. Forester Firewarden by R056-01, 11-1-2001; R222-03, 4-29-2005); A by R096-22A, eff. 12/7/2022; A by R154-24A, eff. 12/6/2024

NRS 527.050, 527.270