Section 522.510 - Form 5: Well completion report1. Form 5, the well completion report, must be filed for all wells drilled in Nevada within 30 days after drilling operations are completed. In the case of a dry hole, this report may accompany Form 4. If production will not begin within 30 days after drilling operations are completed: (a) The Form 5 is not required to include information regarding the production of the well; and(b) An additional Form 5 must be filed with the Division within 30 days after production begins at the well that includes information regarding the production of the well.2. Two copies of all logging surveys run in the wellbore by the operator must be filed with the division. The division will file one of the sets with the bureau of mines and geology. The copy at the bureau will be available for public inspection when the records are no longer confidential.Nev. Admin. Code § 522.510
[Div. of Mineral Res., § 707, eff. 12-20-79]-(NAC A by Dep't of Minerals, 7-22-87); A by R081-15, eff. 12/21/2015