Section 522.400 - Permit for secondary recovery operations required1. Any method for maintaining pressure or recovering additional oil or gas, other than a method consisting of primary recovery techniques, may be used only upon approval of the administrator. Such approval may be obtained by an application filed in accordance with the provisions of NAC 522.600 to 522.625, inclusive. 2. The application for a permit must contain: (a) A plat showing the unit, lease or group of leases included within the proposed project, the location of the proposed intake well, and oil and gas wells, including abandoned wells, wells being drilled and dry holes, and the names of all operators of adjoining leases; (b) The formations and depths to which all wells are currently completed; (c) The name, description and depth of the formation to be affected by injection; (d) The logs of any existing intake wells or any information which is available; (e) A description of the casing for the intake well or the proposed casing program, and the proposed method for testing casing before use of the input wells; (f) A statement of the injection medium to be used, its sources and the estimated amounts to be injected daily; (g) A tabulation showing recent ratios of gas to oil and the results of tests for the production of oil and water for each of the producing oil and gas wells in the project; (h) A statement of the plan and rate of development of the area included within the project; and (i) The names and addresses of the operator of the project.Nev. Admin. Code § 522.400
[Div. of Mineral Res., § 503, eff. 12-20-79]-(NAC A by Dep't of Minerals, 7-22-87)