Nev. Admin. Code § 522.232

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 522.232 - Duties of operator

An operator of an oil or gas well shall:

1. Maintain a copy of the approved drilling permit at the site of the well during the operation of the well, including, without limitation, during the stages of drilling, hydraulic fracturing, reconditioning and completion.
2. Not less than 24 hours before a well is spudded for oil or gas, notify the Division by telephone or electronic mail.
3. Not less than 24 hours before installing or cementing casing, installing any equipment for the prevention of a blowout or conducting a formation integrity test, notify the Division by telephone or electronic mail.
4. Ensure that the casing installed in the well meets the minimum specifications for casing prescribed by the American Petroleum Institute in Specification 5CT, "Specification for Casing and Tubing, Ninth Edition," or by its successor organization, or as may be otherwise prescribed by the Administrator.
5. Notify the Division if any casing or casing material has been previously used in a hydraulic fracturing operation or in any other oil or gas well.
6. Ensure that the cementing of each casing string meets the minimum specifications prescribed by the American Petroleum Institute in Specification 10A, "Specification for Cements and Materials for Well Cementing, Twenty-Fourth Edition," or by its successor organization, or as may be otherwise prescribed by the Administrator.
7. Store and contain all materials at the site of the well in a safe and orderly manner.
8. Manage spills or releases in the manner prescribed by the Division of Environmental Protection pursuant to chapters 445A of NRS and 445A of NAC.
9. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3 of section 12 of this regulation, contain all liquids that are returned to the surface and discharged from the wellbore in the manner prescribed by the Division of Environmental Protection pursuant to chapters 445A of NRS and 445A of NAC. A reserve pit for drilling liquids must not subsequently be used for the discharge of wellbore liquids during the testing of the well without the prior approval of the Administrator.
10. If an unintentional mechanical failure of the well or an uncontrolled flow or spill from the well site occurs, immediately notify:
(a) The Division at the telephone number of the Division.
(b) The Division of Environmental Protection at the spill reporting hotline maintained on its Internet website.

An operator may obtain information on the types of spills which must be reported pursuant to this subsection at the Internet website

Nev. Admin. Code § 522.232

Added to NAC by Comm'n on Mineral Resources by R011-14, eff. 10/24/2014

NRS 522.040, 522.119

The section number and name will be updated when available.