Nev. Admin. Code § 522.215

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 522.215 - Cuttings: Requirements for permit; availability and use; notification of shortage

The taking of cuttings and the filing thereof is a condition for approval of the drilling permit, and this condition will be stated on the permit. A minimum of two 15-milliliter sets of cuttings per sampling interval must be cleaned, dried and placed in sample envelopes, and the cuttings and a split of any core submitted to the bureau of mines and geology as soon as the drilling of the well is complete. The bureau shall remove a 15-milliliter set and place the set in permanent storage. The rest of the cuttings must be made available for public inspection and testing at that time or, if the records concerning the well are to be kept confidential pursuant to NAC 522.540, upon the expiration of the period of confidentiality. Destructive tests may be performed on the cuttings made available for public inspection and testing. The administrator of the division must be notified by the bureau of any sample envelopes containing less than 5 milliliters of cuttings.

Nev. Admin. Code § 522.215

[Div. of Mineral Res., § 204, eff. 12-20-79]-(NAC A by Dep't of Minerals, 9-16-92)