Nev. Admin. Code § 522.210

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 522.210 - Application for permit to drill; approved permits available on Internet
1. Before any well is spudded in or drilled for oil or gas, application must be made to and a permit obtained from the division.
2. The application must be made on Form 2, properly completed and accompanied by Form 1, the required fee and a location plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed in Nevada. Evidence of a federal bond for drilling on a federal lease must be included in the space provided on Form 2. The source and estimated volume of water required for drilling each well must be included with the application.
3. If the well is to be drilled on state or private land, Form 3 or 3a, properly completed, must accompany the application.
4. The Division will, upon the approval of an application for a permit to drill or a sundry notice (Form 4) for a permit to conduct a hydraulic fracturing operation, make a copy of the permit available on the Internet web site maintained by the Division.

Nev. Admin. Code § 522.210

Div. of Mineral Res., § 203, eff. 12-20-79-NAC A by Dep't of Minerals, 7-22-87; A by R011-14, eff. 10/24/2014