Section 488.100 - Application for certificate of number or certificate of ownership1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, each application for a certificate of number or certificate of ownership must contain: (a) The name of the owner.(b) The physical address and mailing address, including the zip codes, of the registered owner.(c) The mailing address, including the zip code, of the lien holder, if any.(d) Other identifying information for each registered owner, including, without limitation: (1) The social security number, or the tax identification number or employer identification number if the application is made under a business name; and (2) The date of birth and either the registered owner's driver's license number or another unique number from an identification document that is issued by a governmental authority.(e) The state of principal operation of the vessel.(f) The identification number previously issued for the vessel, if any.(g) The reason for the application, including applying for a new identification number, renewal of the certificate of number or transfer of ownership.(h) The manner in which the vessel is operated, including pleasure, livery, government, dealer or manufacturer, commercial carrying of passengers, commercial fishing, charter fishing or other operation.(i) The manufacturer, make and model of the vessel.(j) The model year of the vessel.(k) The hull number assigned to the vessel.(l) The length of the vessel.(m) The type of vessel, including open motorboat, cabin motorboat, houseboat, sail only, inflatable boat, personal watercraft, rowboat, airboat, auxiliary sail, paddlecraft, pontoon boat or other type of vessel.(n) The material from which the hull was made, including wood, steel, aluminum, fiberglass, plastic, rubber, vinyl, canvas or other material.(o) The type of propulsion used, including air thrust, water jet, sail only, manual, propeller or other type of propulsion.(p) The type of drive of the engine, including inboard, outboard, sterndrive, pod drive or other type of drive.(q) The type of fuel or power used, including gasoline, diesel, electric or other type of fuel or power. (r) The signature of the owner.2. An application for a certificate of number for a vessel which is to be operated by a manufacturer or dealer for demonstration need not include the information described in paragraphs (i) to (r), inclusive, of subsection 1.3. The following documents, when presented with an application for a certificate of number or certificate of ownership as evidence of proof of ownership of a vessel, will be attached to the application and may be used as evidence of information requested in the application: (a) A certificate of ownership to the vessel;(b) A manufacturer's statement of origin;(c) A Statement of Fact submitted pursuant to subsection 2 of NAC 488.305;(d) A dealer's report of vessel sale;(e) A copy of a valid marine document issued by the United States Coast Guard for a documented vessel;(f) A certificate of inspection of the vessel completed by an employee of the Department;(g) Proof of payment of Nevada sales or use tax paid to the Department of Taxation or proof of exemption from those taxes as provided in NRS 372.320;(h) Such other proof of ownership as may be requested by the Department ; and(i) A statement signed by the owner indicating that: I, the signator owner in signing this statement, hereby attest that the hull number assigned to this vessel has been visually inspected and verified to be the hull number recorded in the application.
Nev. Admin. Code § 488.100
Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, Motorboat Reg. No. 100 § 5, eff. 2-10-82-NAC A 3-21-96; R114-02, 1-21-2003; R122-03, 1-20-2004; A by R015-16A, eff. 9/9/2016NRS 488.045, 488.075, 501.181