Section 481.310 - Prehearing conference1. A prehearing conference may be held, upon the motion of the hearing officer or upon the motion of any party, to formulate or simplify the issues, obtain admissions of fact and of documents which will avoid unnecessary proof, arrange for the exchange of proposed exhibits or prepared expert testimony, limit the number of witnesses, and consider any other matters which may expedite orderly conduct and disposition of the proceedings or a settlement of the matter.2. Notice of the prehearing conference will be served on each party at least 7 days before the date set for the conference.3. The action taken at the conference and the agreements made there by the parties will be made a part of the record and must be approved by the parties. When approved, the action controls the course of subsequent proceedings, unless otherwise stipulated by each party with the consent of the hearing officer.Nev. Admin. Code § 481.310
Dep't of Motor Veh., Practice Rule 7, eff. 12-22-69-NAC A by Dep't of Motor Veh. & Pub. Safety, 3-11-86