- Section 467.850 - Administration or use of alcohol, stimulants, drugs or injections; urinalysis or chemical tests; disciplinary action (Repealed)
- Section 467.855 - Preparations to stop hemorrhaging
- Section 467.875 - Solicitation to conduct fraudulent contest or exhibition: Duty of licensee to report such solicitation immediately; disciplinary action for failure to report
- Section 467.885 - Grounds for disciplinary action
- Section 467.886 - Licensees prohibited from engaging in activities that bring disrepute to unarmed combat (Repealed)
- Section 467.887 - Suspension of license on ground of moral turpitude
- Section 467.888 - Suspension by another jurisdiction may be honored by Commission
- Section 467.889 - Suspension or revocation of license for failure to pay fine or monetary penalty or comply with payment plan; placement on list of suspensions
- Section 467.890 - Licensees prohibited from dealing with persons whose licenses are suspended or revoked
- Section 467.895 - Effect of suspension or revocation of certain licenses
- Section 467.900 - Penalties for certain violations; review by Commission
- Section 467.905 - Disciplinary action for dishonored check