- Section 455C.240 - Period of operation for nonstandard boiler
- Section 455C.242 - Working pressure for nonstandard boiler
- Section 455C.244 - Working pressure for boiler made of cast iron
- Section 455C.246 - Working pressure for watertube boiler
- Section 455C.248 - Maximum age
- Section 455C.250 - Clearance: Generally
- Section 455C.252 - Clearance: Fired storage and fired coil water heater
- Section 455C.254 - Clearance and access: Copper watertube boilers
- Section 455C.256 - Feeding
- Section 455C.258 - Feed water connections
- Section 455C.260 - Return pipe loop connections
- Section 455C.262 - Steam gauges
- Section 455C.264 - Stop valves and check valves
- Section 455C.266 - Water level indicators
- Section 455C.268 - Qualifications of attendant
- Section 455C.270 - Air and ventilation
- Section 455C.272 - Exits
- Section 455C.274 - Supervision
- Section 455C.276 - Hot water heating boilers: Pressure or altitude gauge
- Section 455C.278 - Hot water boilers: Thermometer; operating control and secondary high limit control; stop valve
- Section 455C.280 - Device for feeding water; automatic cutoff for fuel
- Section 455C.282 - Pressure-reducing valves
- Section 455C.284 - Blowoff piping and fittings
- Section 455C.286 - Blowoff equipment