Section 453.240 - Acceptance of application for registration1. Each application submitted for filing will be dated upon receipt. If an application is complete, it will be accepted for filing, but any application which fails to comply with the requirements of these regulations will not be accepted for filing. If an application has a minor defect of incompleteness, the Secretary of the Board may accept it for filing and request the applicant to furnish additional information.2. A defective application: (a) Will be returned to the applicant within 10 days after its receipt and will be accompanied by a statement of the reason for its return.(b) May be corrected and resubmitted for filing at any time and the Secretary of the Board will accept the resubmitted application for filing if the defect is corrected.3. The Secretary's acceptance of an application for filing does not preclude any subsequent request for additional information, and has no bearing on whether the application will be granted.Nev. Admin. Code § 453.240
Bd. of Pharmacy, § 453.150, eff. 6-26-80NRS 453.221, 453.226, 639.070