Section 449.981 - Appointment and responsibilities of administrator1. The governing body shall appoint a qualified administrator for the center who is responsible to the governing board for the performance of his or her duties.2. The administrator must: (a) Be at least 21 years of age;(b) Possess one of the following qualifications: (2) Be a registered nurse;(3) Have a bachelor's or postgraduate degree in administration or a field related to health care; or(4) Have at least 1 year of administrative experience in a health care setting;(c) Have experience in the administration and supervision of personnel; and(d) Possess such knowledge of the practice of medicine as to enable him or her to be conversant in surgical protocols.3. The governing body shall develop and maintain a written job description for the administrator that includes the duties and responsibilities of the administrator. The job description must be made available for review upon the request of the Division.4. The administrator is responsible for: (a) The daily operation of the center;(b) Serving, along with any committee appointed for the purpose, as a liaison between the governing body, the members of the medical staff and all the departments of the center;(c) Reporting the pertinent activities concerning the center to the governing body at regular intervals; and(d) Appointing a person responsible for the center in his or her absence. The person so appointed must possess the same qualifications as are required of the administrator.5. The administrator shall: (a) Ensure that the center complies with all applicable federal and state laws and local ordinances and the policies and procedures approved by the governing body;(b) Annually develop, evaluate, revise and carry out policies and procedures for the center;(c) Ensure that there is an adequate number of qualified and competent members of the staff to provide for the needs of the patients at the center;(d) Develop and maintain a clear and complete job description for each member of the staff;(e) Review each incident or accident report filed with the administrator, take appropriate action in response thereto and maintain a record of the action taken;(f) Enter into contracts with such persons as are necessary to obtain any services required by the center; and(g) Establish a program for quality assurance as required by NAC 449.9812.Nev. Admin. Code § 449.981
Added to NAC by Bd. of Health, eff. 12-15-88; A by R049-99, 9-27-99