Section 449.61204 - Form and contents of application for approval to provide service1. The application for approval must include a statement describing: (a) The qualifications of the personnel of the hospital to perform open-heart surgery;(b) The facilities and equipment to be used in performing open-heart surgery; and(c) The manner in which the facilities and personnel of the hospital meet or exceed the requirements of NAC 449.612 to 449.61256, inclusive.2. The application must contain a statement by the chief of cardiac service for the hospital that the hospital has the facilities, equipment, personnel, staffing, policies and procedures required to perform surgeries at or above the rate required by NAC 449.61214.3. The application must contain a statement by the chief operating officer of the hospital that the hospital is committed to maintaining the support personnel and equipment required to perform surgeries at or above the rate required by NAC 449.61214.4. The application must indicate whether the hospital will, if its application is approved, perform open-heart surgery on infants or children.5. The Division shall prescribe a uniform form of application.Nev. Admin. Code § 449.61204
Added to NAC by Bd. of Health, eff. 8-31-89; A by R107-98, 3-18-99