Provision of Services
- Section 449.540 - Program of quality assurance; recordation of accidents and incidents; reporting of certain events
- Section 449.5405 - Rights of patients
- Section 449.541 - Interdisciplinary teams; plans for care of patients
- Section 449.5415 - Preparations for emergencies and disasters
- Section 449.543 - Pharmaceutical services
- Section 449.5435 - Nursing services; physicians and other staff
- Section 449.544 - Nutrition services
- Section 449.5445 - Social services
- Section 449.546 - Patient care: Advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants; medical emergencies
- Section 449.5465 - Patient care: Licensed practical nurses and dialysis technicians
- Section 449.547 - Self-dialysis: Provision of training and certain services
- Section 449.5475 - Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
- Section 449.549 - Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
- Section 449.5495 - Patient services by contract; laboratory