Imposition: Generally
- Section 449.9985 - Authority of Division and Bureau
- Section 449.99851 - Requirement for imposition; optional imposition
- Section 449.99852 - Requirement for imposition; multiple sanctions
- Section 449.99853 - Imposition of one or more sanctions; criteria for imposition of particular sanction
- Section 449.99854 - Imposition in lieu of or in addition to recommendation to terminate provider agreement; duration of sanctions
- Section 449.99855 - Imposition in emergencies: Authority; notice
- Section 449.99856 - Deficiencies: Basis for imposition of sanctions; reporting; presumption of de minimis deficiency
- Section 449.99857 - Classifications of severity and scope of deficiencies: Use
- Section 449.99858 - Scope of violations: Evaluation of representative sample of recipients; size of sample
- Section 449.99859 - Scope of deficiencies: Use of scope scale; basis for assessment
- Section 449.9986 - Scope of deficiencies: Criteria for evaluation
- Section 449.99861 - Severity of deficiencies: Use of severity scale; basis for assessment; criteria for evaluation
- Section 449.99862 - Presumption when same deficiency found on resurvey; imposition of sanction for subsequent deficiency
- Section 449.99863 - Available sanctions
- Section 449.99864 - Determination of appropriate sanction: Procedure
- Section 449.99865 - Determination of appropriate sanction: Initial assessment
- Section 449.99866 - Determination of appropriate sanction: Consideration of secondary factors
- Section 449.99867 - Determination of appropriate sanction: Basis for selection; presumption