Section 446.955 - General requirements1. A food processing establishment must comply with the provisions of this chapter.2. If, after January 1, 2011, a food processing establishment is constructed or extensively remodeled, or if an existing structure is converted for use as a food processing establishment, properly prepared plans and specifications for such construction, remodeling or alteration showing layout, arrangement and construction materials of work areas and the location, size and type of fixed equipment and facilities must be submitted to the health authority for approval before such work is begun. Where full-time city, county or district health departments exist, such plans and specifications must be submitted to such health authorities for approval before such work is begun. Such plans must be accompanied by a detailed description of the operation of food processing and any other documentation required by the health authority, including: (a) The food to be handled, processed or packaged. (b) Any label for packaging which has been proposed for a food product. Such a label must be reviewed and approved by the health authority and any fees required must be paid before the label may be used. (c) A description of all of the steps required to process each food product. The description must include: (1) The amount of time required for each step; (2) The amount of time required between each step; (3) Proposed temperatures of the food product; (4) Rates of cooling and heating the food product; and (5) The process for handling food by employees of the establishment. (d) If the processing involves heating or cooling food products, the methods used, such as ovens, warmers, blast chillers, walk-in refrigerators and similar equipment. Such methods must be approved by the health authority. 3. If the processing involves potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food) or if the steps are critical in regard to bacterial growth, the health authority may require supporting laboratory data, including, without limitation: (a) The results of a pH test; (b) The results of a bacterial culture test; (c) The results of a water activity test; (d) A determination of the level of salinity; (e) An analysis of the cooling or heating temperature used for the food product; and (f) A complete program for the analysis of hazards and critical control points for food processing by an approved processing authority.4. Any information required by the provisions of this section must be reviewed and approved by the health authority, in writing, before a plan required by subsection 2 may be carried out. Additional documentation or information may be required by the health authority before the approval is granted. 5. If there is a change in any of the information required by this section, the applicant must submit an amended statement of information to the health authority for written approval before the new or modified process may be carried out.Nev. Admin. Code § 446.955
Added to NAC by Bd. of Health, eff. 9-16-92; A 5-23-96; R069-10, 12-18-2013NRS 439.150, 439.200, 446.930, 446.940