General Provisions
- Section 445B.220 - Severability
- Section 445B.2201 - Hazardous air pollutants and toxic regulated air pollutants: Identification
- Section 445B.22013 - Hazardous air pollutants and toxic regulated air pollutants: Prohibited discharge
- Section 445B.22017 - Visible emissions: Maximum opacity; determination and monitoring of opacity
- Section 445B.2202 - Visible emissions: Exceptions for stationary sources
- Section 445B.22027 - Emissions of particulate matter: Maximum allowable throughput for calculating emissions rates
- Section 445B.2203 - Emissions of particulate matter: Fuel-burning equipment
- Section 445B.22033 - Emissions of particulate matter: Sources not otherwise limited
- Section 445B.22037 - Emissions of particulate matter: Fugitive dust
- Section 445B.2204 - "Sulfur emission" defined
- Section 445B.22043 - Sulfur emissions: Calculation of total feed sulfur
- Section 445B.22047 - Sulfur emissions: Fuel-burning equipment
- Section 445B.2205 - Sulfur emissions: Other processes which emit sulfur
- Section 445B.22057 - Allowable emissions of sulfur from specific sources: Units Numbers 1, 2 and 3 of Reid Gardner Power Station (Repealed)
- Section 445B.2206 - Allowable emissions of sulfur from specific sources: Unit Number 4 of Reid Gardner Power Station (Repealed)
- Section 445B.22063 - Allowable emissions of sulfur from specific sources: North Valmy Power Station
- Section 445B.22067 - Open burning
- Section 445B.2207 - Incinerator burning
- Section 445B.22073 - Municipal solid waste landfills
- Section 445B.22077 - Compliance with regulations
- Section 445B.2208 - Emission of hydrogen sulfide from certain facilities for generating electricity from geothermal brine
- Section 445B.22083 - Construction, major modification or relocation of plants to generate electricity using steam produced by burning of fossil fuels
- Section 445B.22087 - Odors
- Section 445B.2209 - Reduction of animal matter
- Section 445B.22093 - Organic solvents and other volatile compounds
- Section 445B.22095 - Emission limitation for BART
- Section 445B.22096 - Control measures constituting BART; limitations on emissions
- Section 445B.22097 - Standards of quality for ambient air
- Section 445B.221 - Adoption by reference and applicability of certain provisions of federal law and regulations
- Section 445B.222 - Area sources (Repealed)
- Section 445B.224 - Public and confidential information
- Section 445B.225 - Prohibited conduct: Concealment of emissions
- Section 445B.227 - Prohibited conduct: Operation of source without required equipment; removal or modification of required equipment; modification of required procedure
- Section 445B.229 - Hazardous emissions: Order for reduction or discontinuance
- Section 445B.230 - Plan for reduction of emissions
- Section 445B.232 - Excess emissions: Scheduled maintenance, testing or repairs; notification of Director; malfunction, upset, start-up, shutdown or human error
- Section 445B.233 - Excess emissions: Determination of violation
- Section 445B.235 - Construction or modification: Determination by Director
- Section 445B.236 - Construction or modification: Review of plans
- Section 445B.239 - Modification: Rate of emission
- Section 445B.242 - Modification: Alterations which are not considered modifications
- Section 445B.247 - Reconstruction: Notice of replacement of components
- Section 445B.248 - Reconstruction: Determination of whether replacement constitutes reconstruction
- Section 445B.250 - Notification of Director: Construction, reconstruction and initial start-up; demonstration of continuous monitoring system performance
- Section 445B.252 - Testing and sampling
- Section 445B.255 - Monitoring guidelines
- Section 445B.256 - Monitoring systems: Calibration, operation and maintenance of equipment
- Section 445B.257 - Monitoring systems: Location
- Section 445B.258 - Monitoring systems: Verification of operational status
- Section 445B.259 - Monitoring systems: Performance evaluations
- Section 445B.260 - Monitoring systems: Components contracted for before September 11, 1974 (Repealed)
- Section 445B.261 - Monitoring systems: Adjustments
- Section 445B.262 - Monitoring systems: Measurement of opacity
- Section 445B.263 - Monitoring systems: Frequency of operation
- Section 445B.264 - Monitoring systems: Recordation of data
- Section 445B.265 - Monitoring systems: Records; reports
- Section 445B.267 - Alternative monitoring procedures or requirements
- Section 445B.271 - Use of alternative method or equivalent method to determine compliance with permit
- Section 445B.273 - Schedules for compliance
- Section 445B.275 - Violations: Acts constituting; notice
- Section 445B.277 - Stop orders
- Section 445B.279 - Appeal of Director's decision: Application forms
- Section 445B.281 - Violations: Classification; administrative fines
- Section 445B.283 - Violations: Manner of paying fines