Section 445B.344 - Significant revision of permit1. The holder of an operating permit may request a significant revision of a Class I operating permit if it does not qualify as a change that may be made pursuant to NAC 445B.342, or as an administrative amendment or a minor revision. A significant revision includes, but is not limited to, a revision: (a) Of an existing condition of the operating permit relating to monitoring or making the requirements for reporting or recordkeeping less stringent;(b) Which requires or changes:(1) A determination of an emission limitation on a case-by-case basis;(2) A determination of ambient impact for any temporary source; or(3) A visibility or increment analysis;(c) Which would establish or change a condition of the operating permit and which is requested or assumed by the owner or operator of the stationary source in order to avoid any applicable requirement;(d) Subject to 40 C.F.R. § 52.21 or 40 C.F.R. Part 60, as adopted pursuant to NAC 445B.221; or(e) Subject to 42 U.S.C. § 7412.2. An application for a significant revision must comply with the requirements for an application for a Class I operating permit set forth in NAC 445B.295, 445B.297 and 445B.3368, including public participation and comment and a review by any affected states and the Administrator pursuant to NAC 445B.3395.3. An application for a significant revision must be accompanied by the fee set forth in NAC 445B.327.Nev. Admin. Code § 445B.344
Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n, 12-13-93, eff. 1-11-96; A 3-29-94, eff. 1-11-96; 10-30-95, eff. 1-11-96; R105-97, 3-5-98; R103-02, 12-17-2002