Use of Reclaimed Water
- Section 445A.274 - Definitions
- Section 445A.2741 - "Area of use" defined
- Section 445A.27412 - "Augmentation" defined
- Section 445A.2742 - "Buffer zone" defined
- Section 445A.27421 - "Environmental buffer" defined
- Section 445A.27423 - "Food crop" defined
- Section 445A.2743 - "Graywater" defined
- Section 445A.2744 - "Impoundment" defined
- Section 445A.27441 - "Indirect potable reuse" defined
- Section 445A.27443 - "Log" defined
- Section 445A.27445 - "Reclaimed water" defined
- Section 445A.2745 - "Spray irrigation" defined
- Section 445A.27452 - "Spreading basin" defined
- Section 445A.2746 - "Subsurface irrigation" defined
- Section 445A.2747 - "Surface irrigation" defined
- Section 445A.2748 - "Treated effluent" defined (Repealed)
- Section 445A.27482 - "Unregulated constituent" defined
- Section 445A.2749 - Limitation on meaning of "agricultural purposes
- Section 445A.27495 - Applicability
- Section 445A.275 - General requirements and restrictions
- Section 445A.2752 - Signs: Required placement and contents
- Section 445A.2754 - Irrigation: Requirements and restrictions
- Section 445A.2756 - Buffer zones: Size; boundaries; restriction
- Section 445A.276 - Reuse categories: Requirements for bacteriological quality of effluent
- Section 445A.2761 - Reuse category A+: Approved uses
- Section 445A.27612 - Reuse category A+: Water quality requirements
- Section 445A.27614 - Reuse category A+: Public notice requirements for indirect potable reuse
- Section 445A.27616 - Reuse category A+: Requirements for application to use reclaimed water for indirect potable reuse
- Section 445A.27618 - Reuse category A+: Water quality requirements for reclaimed water for indirect potable reuse using spreading basin or injection well
- Section 445A.2762 - Reuse category A: Approved uses
- Section 445A.2764 - Reuse category B: Approved uses
- Section 445A.2766 - Reuse category C: Approved uses
- Section 445A.2768 - Reuse category D: Approved uses
- Section 445A.2771 - Reuse category E: Approved uses
- Section 445A.279 - Determining quality of effluent: Storage reservoirs excluded from treatment process
- Section 445A.280 - Waiver or modification of requirements