Permits for Underground Injection
- Section 445A.865 - Purpose of issuing permits; no vested right acquired by holder
- Section 445A.866 - Effect of permit issued by Environmental Protection Agency
- Section 445A.867 - Application for permit
- Section 445A.868 - Information required in application for Class II well
- Section 445A.869 - Modification of information required in application for Class V well
- Section 445A.870 - Information required in application for Class III well that necessitates exemption for aquifer
- Section 445A.871 - Bond required
- Section 445A.872 - Fees
- Section 445A.873 - Notification whether application complete; submission of additional information
- Section 445A.874 - Preparation of documents by Director when application is complete
- Section 445A.875 - Public notice of tentative action on application for permit
- Section 445A.876 - Contents of public notice
- Section 445A.877 - Public hearing and comments concerning tentative action on application for permit; notice of hearing
- Section 445A.878 - Statement by Director responding to comments concerning tentative action on application for permit
- Section 445A.879 - Period for issuance or denial of permit
- Section 445A.880 - Expiration of permit
- Section 445A.881 - Transfer of permit
- Section 445A.882 - Renewal of permit
- Section 445A.883 - Permit for certain groups of wells
- Section 445A.884 - Single permit for facilities otherwise required to obtain additional permits
- Section 445A.885 - Modification, revocation, suspension, cancellation or denial of permit; cessation of activity requiring permit
- Section 445A.886 - Submission of information requested by Director
- Section 445A.887 - Permit for Class V well may contain less stringent requirements
- Section 445A.888 - Inclusion in permit of schedule for compliance
- Section 445A.889 - Notice to Director of failure to comply with terms of permit
- Section 445A.890 - Issuance of temporary permit
- Section 445A.891 - General permits: Eligible types of wells
- Section 445A.8915 - General permits: Procedures to request coverage for Class V well
- Section 445A.892 - General permits: Description of geographic area
- Section 445A.893 - General permits: Regulation of category of wells
- Section 445A.894 - General permits: Requiring holder to obtain individual permit; petition for exclusion
- Section 445A.895 - General permits: Public notice and opportunity for hearing
- Section 445A.896 - General permits: Modification, suspension or revocation
- Section 445A.897 - Area of review: Definition
- Section 445A.898 - Area of review: Increase or decrease by Director
- Section 445A.899 - Identification of known wells and analysis of pressure; plan for corrective action
- Section 445A.900 - Action by Director on plan for corrective action
- Section 445A.901 - Applicant to report improperly completed, plugged or abandoned well; correction of condition
- Section 445A.902 - Minor modifications to permit