Certification of Laboratories to Analyze Drinking Water
- Section 445A.542 - Definitions
- Section 445A.5421 - "Accuracy" defined
- Section 445A.54212 - "Analyst" defined
- Section 445A.54214 - "Analyte" defined
- Section 445A.54216 - "Approved method of testing" defined
- Section 445A.54218 - "Board" defined (Repealed)
- Section 445A.5422 - "Bureau" defined
- Section 445A.54222 - "Certified laboratory" defined
- Section 445A.54224 - "Director" defined
- Section 445A.54226 - "Environmental sample" defined
- Section 445A.54228 - "Federal Act" defined
- Section 445A.5423 - "National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference" defined
- Section 445A.54232 - "Performance-based measurement system" defined
- Section 445A.54234 - "Point source" defined
- Section 445A.54236 - "Precision" defined
- Section 445A.54238 - "Proficiency test sample" defined
- Section 445A.5424 - "Proficiency testing program" defined
- Section 445A.54242 - "Quality control sample" defined
- Section 445A.54244 - "Quality manual" defined
- Section 445A.54246 - "Sensitivity" defined
- Section 445A.54248 - "Spike" defined
- Section 445A.5425 - "Standards" defined
- Section 445A.54252 - Adoption by reference of National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference-Constitution, Bylaws and Standards
- Section 445A.54254 - Adoption by reference of certain publications related to sample collection procedures, analytical methodologies and requirements of certification
- Section 445A.54256 - Adoption by reference of certain publications related to methods of testing for certain contaminants
- Section 445A.54258 - Adoption of certain ASTM standards and other publications related to calibration and testing laboratories, and examination of water and wastewater
- Section 445A.5426 - Review by Board of publications adopted by reference
- Section 445A.54262 - Interpretation of provisions; resolution of conflicting requirements
- Section 445A.54264 - Scope of certification
- Section 445A.54266 - Categories of analytes for which laboratory may be certified
- Section 445A.54268 - Requirements for certification in certain areas
- Section 445A.5427 - Certification by Bureau or pursuant to National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
- Section 445A.54272 - Application for certification
- Section 445A.54274 - Acceptance of analysis conducted by laboratory located outside State
- Section 445A.54276 - Participation in proficiency testing program
- Section 445A.54278 - Adoption of quality manual by laboratory; contents
- Section 445A.5428 - Inspection of laboratory by Bureau
- Section 445A.54282 - Grounds for denial of application for certification, or revocation, suspension or limitation of certification
- Section 445A.54284 - Reapplication after denial of application or revocation of certification
- Section 445A.54286 - Renewal of certification
- Section 445A.54288 - Display and contents of certificate
- Section 445A.5429 - Notification of Bureau of certain changes concerning certified laboratory
- Section 445A.54292 - Contractual agreements, records and reports
- Section 445A.54294 - Issuance of emergency order
- Section 445A.54296 - Fees