Section 445A.967 - Determination of soil characteristics using alternative method in lieu of percolation test1. In lieu of performing a percolation test, the design engineer, soils scientist or geologist performing an investigation of soil characteristics to prepare an engineering report pursuant to NAC 445A.961 may include a determination of soil characteristics using an alternative method described in one or more of the following publications: (a)Standard Practice for Surface Site Characterization for On-Site Septic Systems, published by ASTM International, document number ASTM D5879-95(2003).(b)Standard Practice for Subsurface Site Characterization of Test Pits for On-Site Septic Systems, published by ASTM International, document number ASTM D5921-96(2003)e1.(c)Standard Practice for Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings, published by ASTM International, document number ASTM D1452.07a(2007). AS The above publications are hereby adopted by reference and are available from ASTM International at 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 19428-2959, by telephone at (610) 832-9585, by facsimile at (610) 832-9555 or at the Internet address, for the price of $31 for the publications in paragraphs (a) and (c) and $42 for the publication in paragraph (b).
2. A design engineer may investigate soil characteristics using another method of soil evaluation that ensures compliance with NRS 445A.300 to 445A.730, inclusive, and NAC 445A.950 to 445A.9706, inclusive, as determined by the Division or other administrative authority.Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.967
Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n by R194-07, eff. 8-26-2008