Operation and Design of Facilities
- Section 445A.424 - Limitations on degradation of water; exemptions
- Section 445A.425 - Process components in existence on September 1, 1989: Standards; additional monitoring
- Section 445A.426 - Notice of intent to commence active operation of process component
- Section 445A.427 - Duties of holder of permit upon construction or modification of process component
- Section 445A.428 - Level of containment required for placer mining or flotation facilities
- Section 445A.429 - Procedures required to prevent release of contaminants; requirements concerning impoundments
- Section 445A.430 - Stabilization of spent ore
- Section 445A.431 - Stabilization of tailings
- Section 445A.432 - Minimum design criteria: Generally
- Section 445A.433 - Minimum design criteria: Universal requirements; areas where groundwater is near surface; proximity of new process components to dwellings; liability for degradation of water
- Section 445A.434 - Minimum design criteria: Leach pads and other nonimpounding surfaces designed to contain and promote horizontal flow of process fluids
- Section 445A.435 - Minimum design criteria: Ponds
- Section 445A.436 - Minimum design criteria: Vats, tanks and other containers which confine process fluids
- Section 445A.437 - Minimum design criteria: Tailings impoundments
- Section 445A.438 - Minimum design criteria: Liners
- Section 445A.439 - Program required to control quality of construction of liner systems
- Section 445A.440 - Monitoring: Site of facility
- Section 445A.441 - Monitoring: Procedure upon variation in parameter or element being monitored
- Section 445A.442 - Monitoring: Process components
- Section 445A.443 - Monitoring: Beneficiation process
- Section 445A.444 - Examples of planned and unplanned temporary closures
- Section 445A.445 - Procedure upon unplanned temporary closure of process component
- Section 445A.4445 - Unplanned or planned temporary closure: Authority of Department
- Section 445A.446 - Permanent closure of facility
- Section 445A.447 - Plans for permanent closure; sources not classified as process components