Section 444A.140 - Annual report of municipality with approved program due April 11. A municipality whose program has been approved by the Department shall submit a report to the Department on forms provided by the Department. The report must be submitted on or before April 1 of each year. Except as otherwise required in subsection 2, the report must contain documentation and information concerning the previous calendar year, including:(a) The number of tons of material:(1) Disposed of in a landfill or other similar disposal facility;(2) Diverted from a landfill or other similar disposal facility; and(3) Recycled for each type of recycled material.(b) An explanation and summary of any revision of the program.(c) To determine whether the program provided for the recycling of at least 25 percent of the total solid waste generated within the municipality, a calculation in which the total weight of material diverted from a landfill or other similar disposal facility is divided by the sum of:(1) The total weight of material diverted from a landfill or other similar disposal facility; and(2) The total weight of material disposed of in a landfill or other similar disposal facility.2. If a program is implemented for less than a full year, the report required by subsection 1 must be based upon and the weights and calculation must reflect only that part of the year in which the program was implemented.3. The report required by subsection 1 must be accompanied by verification of the number of tons of recycled material, generated within the municipality, which is sold or collected. The verification must be submitted on a form supplied by the Department and include a statement certified by the municipality that the reports submitted to it pursuant to NAC 444A.135 have been certified by the recycling centers within the municipality.4. As used in this section:(a) "Material diverted from a landfill":(1) Includes:(I) Recyclable material; and(II) Material which was separated to be recycled from other waste material of the municipality.(2) Does not include:(I) Material not generated within the municipality; or(II) Material that would not normally be disposed of in a landfill or other similar disposal facility.(b) "Material disposed of in a landfill or other similar disposal facility" does not include material not generated within the municipality.Nev. Admin. Code § 444A.140
Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n, eff. 11-10-92; A 10-3-96NRS 444A.020, 444A.050, 444A.080