Section 444.6662 - Transfer stations: Contents of report concerning designThe report concerning the design of the transfer station required pursuant to NAC 444.6661 must:
1. Be prepared under the direction of a licensed professional engineer.2. Be signed and stamped by a professional engineer who is licensed in this State.3. Include, without limitation, a general location map that shows land use and zoning within a 1-mile radius of the transfer station.4. Include, without limitation, plans and specifications of the transfer station in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with the design standards set forth in NAC 444.6664. The plans must: (a) Be drawn to a scale of not more than 200 feet per inch and must include, without limitation, contour intervals of not more than 5 feet;(b) Show existing and proposed contours;(c) Show access roads and traffic routing inside of and around the transfer station;(d) Include, without limitation, provisions for the control of surface water runon and runoff and show grades, berms, dikes, swales and other devices used for drainage and control of surface water;(e) Show fencing, equipment, shelter, employee facilities, waste handling areas and any other appurtenance;(f) Include, without limitation, provisions for weighing and measuring incoming solid waste;(g) Include, without limitation, provisions for controlling odors and dust as necessary to prevent a public nuisance;(h) Define the population and area to be served by the transfer station;(i) List the anticipated types, quantities and sources of solid waste to be received at the transfer station; and(j) Provide evidence that the transfer station will be in compliance with the design standards set forth in NAC 444.6664.Nev. Admin. Code § 444.6662
Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n by R034-98, eff. 4-17-98