Section 444.641 - Permit to operate disposal site: Evaluation of application; notice to applicant concerning completeness and compliance; notice of intent to issue or deny application; period for public comment1. A solid waste management authority shall, within 45 days after receiving an application for a permit to operate a disposal site, notify the applicant as to whether the application is complete or deficient in content. A determination of completeness must be based on whether the application contains all specified documents and supporting information required by NAC 444.677, 444.705 or 444.733, as applicable. The solid waste management authority may require the submittal of any such additional documents or information as it deems necessary and may specify the period within which the documents or information must be submitted to the authority.2. If the solid waste management authority determines that an application is complete, the authority shall evaluate the merits of the application to determine if the application is in compliance with all applicable statutes and regulations. If the solid waste management authority determines that the application does not comply with all applicable statutes and regulations, it shall mail a notice to the applicant. The notice must specify: (a) Each statute or regulation with which the applicant has failed to comply;(b) Any documents or other information which the applicant is required to submit to the authority; and(c) The period within which the applicant is required to submit to the authority the documents or other information requested pursuant to paragraph (b).3. Upon completion of the evaluation, the solid waste management authority shall prepare and issue: (a) A notice of intent to issue or deny the issuance of the permit. The notice must:(1) Be sent to the applicant and the local governing body in the area in which the disposal site is to be located and, unless otherwise required by federal law, published on an Internet website designed to give general public notice.(2) Summarize the action to be taken by the solid waste management authority;(3) State that the authority will accept comments from the general public for 30 days after the date that the notice is issued; and(4) Describe the procedure for obtaining copies of the documents and comments submitted with the application.(b) A factual sheet which describes the proposed facility, the proposed action, the availability of the documents submitted with the application, and the procedure for public review and comment.Nev. Admin. Code § 444.641
Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n, eff. 11-8-93; A 10-3-96; A by R186-18A, eff. 1/30/2019