Section 444.74763 - Transfer, removal, recovery and storage of solid waste1. Solid waste that is accepted by a materials recovery facility must be:(a) Transferred to a disposal site that has been issued a permit by the solid waste management authority; or(b) Recovered for reuse or recycling.2. Unless the owner or operator is unable to do so because of an emergency, putrescible solid waste or solid waste that is mixed with putrescible solid waste must be removed from a materials recovery facility not more than 72 hours after acceptance by the facility.3. Nonputrescible solid waste may not be stored at the materials recovery facility for more than 1 week. Not more than 3,000 cubic yards of solid waste may be stored at the facility at one time, unless otherwise approved by the solid waste management authority.4. Recovered materials may not be stored at the facility for more than 1 year. At least 75 percent of the materials recovered at the facility must be sold and removed from the facility in a 12-month period. Any recovered materials stored for more than 1 year must be considered waste and properly disposed of at a disposal site that has been issued a permit by the solid waste management authority or a facility approved by the solid waste management authority.5. Solid waste or recovered materials may not be stored in piles which are more than 15 feet in height or have an area at the base which is more than 5,000 square feet. A distance of at least 12 feet must be maintained between adjacent piles of material and at least 10 feet between any pile of materials and the boundary of the facility.6. The acceptance, handling and transportation of asbestos must be conducted in the manner prescribed by NAC 444.965 to 444.976, inclusive.7. The owner or operator of a materials recovery facility shall: (a) Inspect the area of the facility daily and collect, and properly dispose of, all scattered paper and lightweight debris; and(b) Comply, in accordance with the provisions of NAC 444.660, with any local ordinances concerning the storage, collection or transportation of solid waste.Nev. Admin. Code § 444.74763
Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n by R173-99, eff. 2-9-2000