Section 444.484 - Circulation and filtrationPublic spas must be equipped with circulation and filtration equipment which meets the following criteria:
1. Circulation and filtration equipment must be of sufficient capacity to recirculate the entire spa water capacity at least once every 30 minutes, and must be capable of returning the spa water to a turbidity of 1.0 NTU's at least once during the 4 hours following the use of the spa by the largest number of bathers which its size permits.2. Equipment must be provided with installation and operation instructions by those who furnish the equipment.3. A pressure gauge with an appropriate range must be provided in connection with each filter.4. A rate-of-flow indicator must be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.5. Materials used in the circulation system must comply with the applicable requirements of National Sanitation Foundation Standards 14 and 50 or, in the absence of any applicable or current standards, be approved by the health authority.6. In climates in which freezing temperatures can be expected, the spa shell and appurtenances, piping, filter system, pump and motor, and other components must be designed and constructed to be protected from damage from freezing.7. A spa which does not have a water recirculation system for purification may be used by only one person, after which the spa must be drained and the walls scrubbed and disinfected.8. A vacuum gauge must be located on or just before the circulation pump on the suction side and a pressure gauge must be located immediately after the pump on the pressure side.9. The recirculation system must be operated at all times the facility is open for use and for not less than 3 hours after the facility is closed. If the system is shut down for periodic maintenance and repair, no person who is not an employee of the facility may be allowed into the facility.10. If time clocks are used to govern the operation of the recirculation system, they must be: (a) Used to govern the operation of any equipment, such as chemical disinfectant feeders, slurry feeders or heaters, dependent upon the flow of water within the system.(b) Reset immediately after any interruption in power.Nev. Admin. Code § 444.484
Bd. of Health, Public Spa Reg. Art. 19, eff. 11-27-79-NAC A 11-2-88