Permitting and General Requirements for Operation
- Section 444.00771 - Requirement of establishment to obtain permit; procedures must not be performed at private residence; exception
- Section 444.00773 - Requirements for establishment located in private residence
- Section 444.00775 - Application for permit; contents; additional requirements for permit to operate temporary or mobile establishment or as event coordinator; fee; issuance of permit and inspection; period of validity for temporary or mobile establishment; permit not transferable
- Section 444.00777 - Infection control plan: Requirements; annual review; contents; submission to health authority with application for permit and when changes made to plan; approval
- Section 444.00779 - Submission of copy of floor plan of establishment required; contents; fee
- Section 444.00781 - Inspection of establishment to determine compliance with approved plans and standard operating procedures; fee
- Section 444.00783 - Period of validity of permit; renewal and fee
- Section 444.00785 - Display of permit on premises of establishment
- Section 444.00787 - Compliance with statutes, regulations and ordinances; revocation or suspension of permit for noncompliance posing hazard to public health
- Section 444.00789 - Maintenance of documentation, records and logs required on premises of establishment
- Section 444.00791 - Responsible person required to be present during hours of operation and when procedure is performed; duties
- Section 444.00793 - Requirement of temporary or mobile establishment to obtain permit; approval of location; posting of permit; permit not transferable; modification, augmentation or waiver of applicable regulations
- Section 444.00795 - Inspection of temporary establishment and issuance of permit required before performance of procedures at location
- Section 444.00797 - Conditions for operation of temporary or mobile establishment; maintenance of client release forms; provision of aftercare instructions
- Section 444.00799 - Additional conditions of operation for mobile establishment
- Section 444.00801 - Designation of event coordinator required for event including more than one temporary or mobile establishment or independent operator; application and fee; late application; duty of coordinator
- Section 444.00803 - Client release form required; contents; maintenance on premises of establishment
- Section 444.00805 - Temporary or mobile establishment required to provide copies of client release forms to health authority
- Section 444.00807 - Express in-person consent of custodial parent or legal guardian required for minor; exception for emancipated minor
- Section 444.00809 - Provision of aftercare instructions to client; contents
- Section 444.00811 - Extreme body modification at establishment may only be performed by certain licensed medical personnel or under direct supervision of such personnel
- Section 444.00813 - Substantial health hazard on premises of establishment: Requirement to discontinue operations and notify health authority; exception; approval required to resume operations
- Section 444.00815 - Fees