Section 439B.Sec. 3.1 - NEW1. Not later than 10 business days after the Department provides a written list of arbitrators to an out-of-network provider and a third party pursuant to subsection 5 of section 2, the out-of-network provider and third party shall strike arbitrators from the list in the manner required by subsection 4 of NRS 439B.754 and provide the name or names of any remaining arbitrators on the list in writing to the Department.2. Not later than 10 business days after receiving the name of any remaining arbitrator on the list pursuant to subsection 1, the Department shall:(a) If one arbitrator who does not have a conflict of interest remains, notify the out-ofnetwork provider and the third party in writing of the name of that arbitrator.(b) If more than one arbitrator who does not have a conflict of interest remains, randomly select an arbitrator from the remaining arbitrators as required by subsection 4 of NRS 439B.754 and notify the out-of-network provider and the third party in writing of the name of that arbitrator.3. The out-of-network provider or third party may provide the arbitrator with any relevant information to assist the arbitrator in making a determination not later than 10 business days after the date on which the Department notifies the out-of-network provider and the third party in writing of the name of that arbitrator pursuant to subsection 2.4. An arbitrator selected pursuant to subsection 2 may request from the third party and the out-of-network provider any information the arbitrator deems necessary to assist in making a determination. The out-of-network provider and third party shall provide such information to the arbitrator not later than 10 business days after the date of the request. If either party fails to provide information requested by the arbitrator within that time, the arbitrator may proceed and make a determination based on the evidence available to the arbitrator.5. Not later than 45 business days after the expiration of the period for submission of the information pursuant to subsection 3 or 4, whichever is later, the arbitrator shall make a determination as provided in subsection 6 of NRS 439B.754 and notify the parties of that determination.Nev. Admin. Code § 439B.Sec. 3.1
Added to NAC by Dept of Human Resources, by R101-19A, eff. 9/19/2022; Added to NAC by Dept of Human Resources, by R101-19A, eff. 9/19/2022