- Section 425.100 - Order must be based upon obligor's earnings, income and other ability to pay; basic needs of child presumed met if child support obligation based upon guidelines; deviation from guidelines
- Section 425.110 - Stipulation to child support obligation that does not comply with guidelines: Requirements; authority of court to reject
- Section 425.115 - Determination of child support obligation in accordance with guidelines if no stipulation; adjustment of obligation based upon type of custody held by parent
- Section 425.120 - Determination of monthly gross income of each obligor; provision of financial information or other records to court
- Section 425.125 - Court authorized to impute income to obligor who is underemployed or unemployed without good cause; consideration of circumstances of obligor
- Section 425.130 - Consideration of costs of child care paid by either or both parties
- Section 425.135 - Order must include provision that medical support is required to be provided to child
- Section 425.140 - Schedule for determining base child support obligation based on number of children and monthly gross income of obligor
- Section 425.145 - Establishment of child support obligation using low-income schedule if economic circumstances of obligor limit ability to pay; publication of schedule by Administrative Office of the Courts
- Section 425.150 - Adjustment of child support obligation in accordance with specific needs of child and economic circumstances of parties
- Section 425.155 - Review and adjustment of order if obligor incarcerated or involuntarily institutionalized for 180 consecutive days or more
- Section 425.160 - Termination or modification of order when child reaches certain age
- Section 425.165 - Notice required in order that pertains to more than one child and does not allocate specific amount to each child
- Section 425.170 - Modification or adjustment of child support obligation must be based on change in circumstances