Section 424.555 - Provision of health care to children1. Group foster homes shall adopt a written policy on the services for health care and treatment, and shall follow the policy.2. The foster parents or direct care staff shall closely observe children for signs of illness.3. Each child residing in the foster home must be currently immunized against diseases according to the recommendations set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, unless a licensed physician, physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse determines that such immunizations are not recommended for the child because of a medical condition. The recommendations are available at no cost on the Internet at .4. The services of specialists for treatment and consultation will be obtained when referred by a licensed practitioner and approved by the agency placing the child.5. The licensee shall ensure that any program of medication, physical therapy, special exercises or other activity prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner for a child in the care of the foster home is adhered to.6. A dental health program must be designed to effect good oral hygiene, education and practice.7. No foster care provider may have a child tested for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus without the consent of the agency which provides child welfare services or the agency placing the child.Nev. Admin. Code § 424.555
Welfare Div., Req. for Foster Care part § 104.7 + part § 106.8, 10-7-88, eff. 1-1-89-NAC A by Div. of Child & Fam. Services by R044-02, 7-23-2002; A by R110-13, eff. 6/23/2014; A by R110-19A, eff. 2/25/2021