Current through December 31, 2024
Section 422.Sec. 5.1 - NEW1. To receive a grant of money from the Account, a person or entity must apply to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health in the form prescribed by the Division of Public and Behavioral Health. The application must include, without limitation: (a) The manner in which the person or entity proposes to use the grant, including, without limitation, itemized estimates of the costs of the goods and services for which the person or entity proposes to use the grant;(b) A commitment to enter into an operating agreement if the application is approved and proposed terms for the operating agreement; and(c) The amount of the grant for which the applicant is applying.2. The Division of Public and Behavioral Health shall determine in a public meeting whether to approve or deny an application based on the ability of the applicant to provide diapers and diapering resources to recipients of public assistance and other low-income families in this State.3. A grant of money from the Account must be used for a purpose authorized by NRS 422A.675. A grantee shall not use the grant for any other purpose.Nev. Admin. Code § 422.Sec. 5.1
Added to NAC by Div. of Health Care Fin. & Policy by R086-20A, eff. 4/11/2022