Section 391.085 - Emergency relief from regulations1. Except with regard to matters for which an extension may be granted pursuant to NAC 391.077, in an emergency, a person who has been issued a license or who has applied for a license pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may submit a written request for temporary relief from the regulations of the Commission relating to the licensure of teachers and other educational personnel if the person has a medical or administrative reason for requesting such relief.2. A person who submits such a request must: (a) Submit the request on a form prescribed by the Department;(b) Identify the regulation from which he or she is requesting relief;(c) Set forth the reasons why he or she is unable to comply with the requirements of the regulation;(d) Include medical or other documentation which supports the request; and(e) Submit the request to the Superintendent of Public Instruction.3. The Superintendent of Public Instruction may grant relief pursuant to this section for a period of not more than 6 months from the date the relief is granted. In no case may the period of relief be extended.Nev. Admin. Code § 391.085
Added to NAC by Comm'n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 11-13-90; A 6-19-96NRS 391.019, 391.023
The regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education filed with the Secretary of State on November 13, 1990, the source of this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:
"For the purposes of this regulation, any provision in chapter 391 of NAC which refers to the certification of teachers or other educational personnel shall be deemed a regulation of the Commission on Professional Standards in Education relating to the licensure of teachers and other educational personnel."