General Requirements
- Section 388A.100 - Committee to form charter school and governing body: Interpretation of statutory qualification for membership
- Section 388A.105 - "First day of operation of the charter school after the charter contract has been executed" interpreted
- Section 388A.110 - Administrative head: Selection; qualifications and responsibilities; notification of selection or replacement
- Section 388A.115 - Appointment of liaison between committee to form charter school and proposed sponsor
- Section 388A.120 - Sponsorship of charter schools by board of trustees and Nevada System of Higher Education: Application for authorization
- Section 388A.125 - Submission and contents of letter of intent to form charter school
- Section 388A.130 - Application to form charter school: Forms; restrictions on submission and acceptance
- Section 388A.135 - Application to form charter school: Proposed dates of enrollment for first year of operation; limits on acceptance of applications for enrollment
- Section 388A.140 - Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding facility and equipment
- Section 388A.145 - Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding educational program
- Section 388A.150 - Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding committee to form charter school, and governance and staffing
- Section 388A.155 - Application to form charter school: Inclusion of information regarding issues of health and safety
- Section 388A.160 - Application to form charter school: Inclusion of certain miscellaneous information
- Section 388A.165 - Restrictions on application to form charter school submitted to State Public Charter School Authority after previous denials of application
- Section 388A.170 - Public meeting required to consider certain resubmitted applications
- Section 388A.175 - Grounds for denial by proposed sponsor of application to form charter school
- Section 388A.180 - Submission of certificate of occupancy for certain facilities
- Section 388A.185 - Duty of governing body to provide written notice of any change in mailing address of a charter school
- Section 388A.190 - Provision and maintenance of industrial and general liability insurance coverage
- Section 388A.195 - Provision and maintenance of insurance coverage or reserve fund for certain compensatory damages and certain fees, costs and expenses
- Section 388A.200 - Advisory committee required to comply with Open Meeting Law
- Section 388A.205 - Department to conduct comprehensive review of sponsors every 3 years; determination to continue or revoke authorization of sponsor based on comprehensive review