Amendment, Renewal and Revocation of Charters; Closure
- Section 386.300 - Application for renewal of written charter: Contents (Repealed)
- Section 386.310 - Application for renewal of initial charter: Contents (Repealed)
- Section 386.320 - Application for renewal of initial charter: Verification of contents; consideration at public meeting (Repealed)
- Section 386.323 - Request for change in sponsorship of charter school
- Section 386.325 - Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Public meeting; approval of majority of members of governing board required; request; authority for approval by staff of sponsor
- Section 386.326 - Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to expand instruction to grade levels of pupils other than those for which charter school is currently approved
- Section 386.3265 - Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to occupy new or additional facility
- Section 386.3266 - Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to acquire a new or additional facility
- Section 386.3267 - Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request to eliminate a grade level or other educational services
- Section 386.3268 - Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Governing body must obtain approval from sponsor for certain amendments
- Section 386.3269 - Amendment of written charter or charter contract: Request for amendment not otherwise described in NAC 386.326 to 386.3268, inclusive
- Section 386.327 - Revocation of charter of charter school providing education for at-risk pupils (Repealed)
- Section 386.329 - Governing body to notify sponsor of certain changes; changes must be approved in public meeting
- Section 386.330 - Procedure for revocation of written charter or termination of charter contract
- Section 386.332 - "Persistently underperformed" interpreted
- Section 386.335 - Closure: Duties of governing body, sponsor and Department; failure of compliance by licensed teacher who is member of governing body