- Section 361.701 - Petition for appeal of final decision of county board
- Section 361.7012 - Petition for direct appeal to State Board
- Section 361.7014 - Action upon receipt of petition; case file
- Section 361.7016 - Consolidation of cases
- Section 361.7018 - Notice of representation by authorized agent
- Section 361.702 - Notice of hearing; duties of county assessor or representative of county assessor
- Section 361.703 - Briefs, memoranda and other written explanations
- Section 361.705 - Motions by parties; action by State Board on its own motion
- Section 361.706 - Continuances
- Section 361.708 - Appearance of parties; failure to appear
- Section 361.712 - Subpoenas
- Section 361.714 - Testimony must be under oath
- Section 361.720 - Official notice of State Board
- Section 361.721 - Format, execution and contents of documents (Repealed)
- Section 361.723 - Filing and receipt of documents; admission of late document into evidence
- Section 361.724 - Service of documents; certificate of service
- Section 361.726 - Additional information and appraisal
- Section 361.729 - Testimony before State Board: Authority to testify; person who unlawfully acts as appraiser of real estate
- Section 361.731 - Transcripts
- Section 361.733 - Direct appeal: Rights of petitioner, respondent and staff
- Section 361.735 - Direct appeal: Burden of proof; receipt of evidence
- Section 361.737 - Direct appeal: Rules of evidence; depositions; exchange of names of witnesses and copies of evidence
- Section 361.738 - Appeal of decision of county board: Submission of certain evidence prohibited; removal of certain evidence from record authorized
- Section 361.739 - Appeal of decision of county board: Introduction of new evidence
- Section 361.741 - Appeal of decision of county board: Burden of proof; order and length of presentations
- Section 361.745 - Direct appeal: Consideration of issues, contentions and evidence outside scope of petition
- Section 361.747 - Submission of case for decision; decision of State Board; correction of clerical mistake in record
- Section 361.7475 - Petition for reconsideration: Filing and contents; answer; grant or denial
- Section 361.748 - Action for redress from finding of State Board (Repealed)