- Section 355.200 - Definitions
- Section 355.210 - "Board" defined
- Section 355.220 - "Corporation" defined
- Section 355.230 - "Fund of Funds Manager" defined (Repealed)
- Section 355.240 - Corporation: Name; governance and officers; quorum; majority vote required to exercise power or function
- Section 355.250 - Business Leadership Council: Establishment; members; powers
- Section 355.260 - Confidentiality of information
- Section 355.270 - Duties of Board
- Section 355.280 - Duties of officers of Corporation
- Section 355.290 - Standard of conduct in discharge of duties and making decisions concerning investments; conflicts of interest; Corporation may not finance or influence political activities
- Section 355.300 - Authorized sources of money; agreements with public or private investors; restriction on acceptance of certain investments
- Section 355.310 - Fund of Funds Manager: Selection; duties; fee structure (Repealed)
- Section 355.320 - Use of earnings of certain funds to defray fees of Fund of Funds Manager (Repealed)
- Section 355.330 - Requirements relating to private equity funds in which Corporation invests
- Section 355.340 - Placement of investments and co-investments; commitment of money for investment opportunities; policies and procedures governing investments