- Section 353B.750 - Short title (Repealed)
- Section 353B.755 - Purposes (Repealed)
- Section 353B.760 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 353B.765 - "Agreement" defined (Repealed)
- Section 353B.770 - "School day" defined (Repealed)
- Section 353B.775 - "Break in the school year" construed (Repealed)
- Section 353B.780 - "Tuition" construed (Repealed)
- Section 353B.785 - Application to establish account; open enrollment period; notification of approval or denial; requirements; request for waiver; exemptions (Repealed)
- Section 353B.790 - Agreement with State Treasurer; deposit of money into and payments from account; annual list provided to Department; inclusion of certain examinations on list (Repealed)
- Section 353B.795 - Committee to Review Payments: Creation; members; duties (Repealed)
- Section 353B.800 - Termination of agreement by parent (Repealed)
- Section 353B.805 - State Treasurer to freeze account if child no longer resides in State; proof required to remove freeze; termination of agreement and dissolution of account (Repealed)
- Section 353B.810 - Audits of accounts; freeze of accounts found to have irregularities; notice of freeze; petition for reconsideration; determination (Repealed)
- Section 353B.815 - Quarterly list of terminated accounts; reversion of remaining money to State General Fund (Repealed)
- Section 353B.820 - Contract with financial management firm: Criteria; provision allowing termination; maintenance and management of accounts (Repealed)
- Section 353B.825 - Application to become participating entity; proof of eligibility; notice of determination; investigation under certain circumstances (Repealed)
- Section 353B.830 - Additional requirements of certain participating entities (Repealed)