Section 341.045 - Standards for design; structural standards for geographic location1. The Board hereby adopts by reference the following publications and establishes the standards contained therein as minimum standards for the design of state buildings, other than those excepted in NRS 341.141:(a) The 2024 International Building Code published by the International Code Council with the following exceptions: (1) References to the International Plumbing Code are replaced with references to the Uniform Plumbing Code;(2) References to the International Electrical Code are replaced with references to the National Electrical Code;(3) References to the International Mechanical Code are replaced with references to the Uniform Mechanical Code;(4) References to ICC Standard A117.1-2017, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, in chapter 35 are replaced with references to ICC Standard A117.1-2009, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities;(5) Section 105.1.1 is revised to read as follows:1." In lieu of an individual permit for each alteration to an already approved electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing installation, the building official is authorized to issue an annual permit upon application therefor to any state agency regularly employing one or more qualified trade persons in the building or structure or on the premises owned or operated by the applicant for the permit.2. In lieu of any individual permits that would otherwise be required, the building official is authorized to issue an annual permit upon application therefor to any state agency regularly employing one or more qualified trade persons and one or more qualified design professionals in the building or structure or on the premises owned or operated by the applicant for the permit. The permit may authorize its holder to: (a) Perform light construction, including, without limitation, a remodel or alteration, to an already approved building or structure; or(b) Construct a building or structure with a gross area of 1,000 square feet or less for which the building official has already checked the plans and which is to be constructed at a site other than the site shown in the plans or at a location on the site other than the location shown in the plans.3. An annual permit issued pursuant to this section to perform light construction to an already approved building or structure does not authorize the holder of the permit to perform any construction that:(a) Changes the occupancy classification of the building or structure;(b) Increases the occupant load of the building or structure;(c) Modifies a structural element of the building or structure;(d) Changes an egress path in or from the building or structure;(e) Modifies a fire-rated assembly within the building or structure unless the modification is limited to the installation of a listed through penetration for piping or conduit; or(f) Modifies a fire alarm system or fire sprinkler system within the building or structure.4. As used in this section:(a) "Journeyman" means a person who:(1) Has successfully completed a program of apprenticeship in a building or construction trade that has been approved by the State Apprenticeship Council or an equivalent program accepted by the State Contractors' Board; or(2) Holds a journeyman's card in a building or construction trade issued by a labor organization.(b) "Qualified design professional" means a person who holds: (1) A professional license or certificate issued pursuant to chapter 623, 623A or 625 of NRS that is appropriate for the work to be performed; or(2) A license issued pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS in a classification or subclassification that is appropriate for the work to be performed.(c) "Qualified trade person" means: (1) A journeyman in the relevant field of work;(2) A person who holds a certificate issued by the International Code Council as an inspector in the relevant field of work and who has at least 2 years of work experience in that field;(3) A person who holds a license issued pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS in a classification or subclassification that is appropriate for the work to be performed; or(4) An employee of the State or an agency thereof acting within the scope of his or her employment.";(6) To section 105.3, add: (8)" The permit application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable deposit of 1% of the total project valuation, including materials, labor and equipment.";(7) In section 202, replace the phrase "more than 75 feet" with "more than 55 feet";(8) To section 403.4.4, add: "Loudspeakers or horns for a fire alarm must achieve at least 80 decibels of sound in all areas within the protected property";(9) To section 403.4.6, add the following provisions: (1)" All fire equipment and equipment for the safety of life, including, without limitation, a fire alarm system, smoke management system, status indicator and controls for an air-handling system and an indicator of the status of an emergency generator, contained within the fire command center must be tested as frequently as required by the codes and standards adopted by the State Fire Marshal pursuant to NAC 477.281, but in any case, not less than annually. The test must be performed by a person who holds a license or certification recognized by the authority having jurisdiction as appropriate for the performance of the test. Systems and equipment within the fire command center must be tested in accordance with the procedures set forth in the codes and standards adopted by the State Fire Marshal pursuant to NAC 477.281 and any special procedures prescribed by the designer or manufacturer of the system or equipment. All fire equipment and equipment for the safety of life, after having been tested, must be restored to service and tagged by the person who performed the test. The tag must conform to requirements for recording the maintenance of a fire alarm system set forth in NAC 477.370. If the person performing the test is unable to restore the equipment to service or determines that the equipment is disabled or in an impaired condition, he or she shall promptly notify the appropriate local fire department and the State Fire Marshal. A log of the tests required by this section must be maintained on the premises and available for inspection by the appropriate local fire department.(2) The fire command center must be housed in a room separated from the building in which it is located by noncombustible construction rated at a minimum of 2 hours. The room used for that command center must be provided an exterior door."; and(10) Section 907.5.2.3 is revised by adding the following exceptions:(4)" Electrical rooms and mechanical rooms that are not normally occupied and are less than 400 square feet.(6) Storage rooms that are less than 400 square feet.(7) Individual work areas or offices and private toilets serving individual work areas or offices.(8)". This code may be obtained from the International Code Council at the Internet address, at a price of $148 for members and $197 for nonmembers.
(b) The 2024 International Existing Building Code published by the International Code Council with the following exceptions: (1) References to the International Plumbing Code are replaced with references to the Uniform Plumbing Code;(2) References to the International Electrical Code are replaced with references to the National Electrical Code; and(3) References to the International Mechanical Code are replaced with references to the Uniform Mechanical Code. This code may be obtained from the International Code Council at the Internet address, at a price of $82 for members and $109 for nonmembers.
(c) The 2024 International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings published by the International Code Council with the following exceptions: (1) References to the International Plumbing Code are replaced with references to the Uniform Plumbing Code;(2) References to the International Electrical Code are replaced with references to the National Electrical Code; and(3) References to the International Mechanical Code are replaced with references to the Uniform Mechanical Code. This code may be obtained from the International Code Council at the Internet address, at a price of $148 for members and $197 for nonmembers.
(d) The 2023 National Electrical Code published by the National Fire Protection Association. This code may be obtained from the National Fire Protection Association at the Internet address, at a price of $137.70 for members and $153.00 for nonmembers.(e) The 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, except, in section 422.1, "Table 422.1, Minimum Plumbing Facilities," specifying a minimum number of required fixtures, is replaced by "Table 2902.1, Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures" of the 2024 International Building Code. The 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code may be obtained from the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials at the Internet address, free of charge. (f) The 2024 Uniform Mechanical Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. This code may be obtained from the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials at the Internet address, free of charge.(g) The Americans with Disabilities Act published by the United States Department of Justice. This publication may be obtained from the Disability Rights Section, United States Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530, or at the Internet address, free of charge.(h) The 2024 International Energy Conservation Code published by the International Code Council. This code may be obtained from the International Code Council at the Internet address, at a price of $51 for members and $68 for nonmembers.(i) The "Guidelines for Evaluating Potential Surface Fault Rupture/Land Subsidence Hazards in Nevada" and the "Guidelines for Evaluating Liquefaction Hazards in Nevada" published by the Nevada Earthquake Safety Council. These guidelines may be obtained from the Nevada Earthquake Safety Council, c/o Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada, Reno, Mail Stop 178, Reno, Nevada 89557-0178, or at the Internet address, free of charge.(j) ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2022, Energy Standard for Sites and Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. This standard may be obtained from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., at the Internet address, at a price of $149 for members and $198 for nonmembers.2. In addition to the standards contained in the 2024 International Building Code adopted pursuant to subsection 1, all buildings and structures of the State and any parts thereof must be designed using the structural standards for seismic zones, basic wind speed, wind exposure, frost line and the live loads and snow loads for roofs adopted by the political subdivision in which the building or structure is being constructed, unless those structural standards are less stringent than the standards adopted by reference pursuant to subsection 1. In the absence of such structural standards adopted by the political subdivision, the Deputy Administrator of the Public Works - Compliance and Code Enforcement Section may use structural standards that the Deputy Administrator of the Public Works - Compliance and Code Enforcement Section determines are appropriate for the geographic location at which the building or structure is being constructed.Nev. Admin. Code § 341.045
Planning Bd., Policy, Procedure and Rules §§ 2200-2205, eff. 1-20-62; A 7-1-68; A and renumbered as §§2300-2302, 5-3-72; A 11-17-73; 7-16-76-NAC A 12-16-82; A by Pub. Works Bd., 3-17-94; R096-04, 12-15-2004; R188-07, 4-17-2008; R206-09 & R207-09, 10-15-2010; R106-11, 5-30-2012; R102-11, 6-29-2012; A by R072-24A, eff. 11/15/2024NRS 341.085, 341.087, 341.091